

ご存知の  桑田佳祐さん率いる青学出身のバンド その名はサザンオールスターズです。

勝手にシンドバッドでデビューして  売れに売れて 桑田さんも喉頭癌だったっけ?それも克服して 未だに大活躍しています。

21ぐらいでデビューしたと思いますから 今や桑田さんも65才?だと思いますから 44年、人前で歌ってます。

割と青学の軽音というのは有名で 原田真二さんなんかもそうだったと思いますが、同じような時期にデビューしているので・・・、いろんないわくつきの話もあるみたいですが。


原田真二さんが事務所を辞めたので その代打として サザンオールスターズに事務所は力を入れたおかげで サザンオールスターズはヒットしたという話もありますが、その辺はどうでしょう。


実際、桑田さんが作る歌は かなりいい曲が多いとは思いますが・・・・、日本のシンガーソングライターにはありがちの 全くビートルズの曲のコード進行じゃないの?的なものはたくさんありますが、一時期は  このアルバムはほぼ、ビリージョエル?と思わせたような子供あったと思いますが。

でもその歌い方には すごく特徴があって すぐに桑田さんだとわかるような個性、オリジナリティがすごい。

で、いろんなドラマの主題歌なんかもやっていて  バンドマンにはありがちの ファンキーの個性、これがまたたまらなくいい。

かっこつけないおじさん風な芸風、これもなかなかいいんじゃないですか。たまに桑田さんがやる番組なんかを見ていると 少しエロ話が多いんじゃない的な・・・、福山さんのラジオなんかもそうですが 少しエロ話が多いんじゃない的な・・・。


アミューズっていう事務所は そういう事務所何でしょうか。実にいい感じです、今はちょっとって言う時代ですが おじさん連中にはバカウケです。




ただ実際歌ってみると 実にきついです。歌う時の強弱と言うか 強調する部分が大変です。

なおかつハイトーンボイスのところが 何と言うかきついです。

なかなか歌いづらい曲ばかりで、パッと聴いた感じでは 割とわかりやすい歌いやすいメロディかとは思いますが 実際歌ってみると 音程差と言うか強弱と言うか きつい。




ものまね芸人のように 真似するには 個性的だからすごく真似しやすいとは思いますが、それよりもメロディーです。きつい。はっきり言ってめっちゃ難しいんじゃない?




Southern All Stars’ songs are tough… It’s hard because it’s difficult to breathe when you sing.

Mr. Kuwata is now 65 years old too?

As you know, the band from Seigaku led by Keisuke Kuwata is called Southern All Stars.

Debuted in Sinbad without permission and sold well Kuwata-san, did you also have laryngeal cancer? Overcoming that, he is still very active.

I think you made your debut when you were around 21, so Mr. Kuwata is now 65? That’s why he’s been singing in public for 44 years.

Seigaku’s light sound is relatively famous, and I think Shinji Harada was also like that, but since they made their debut around the same time…it seems there are various rumors.

Since Shinji Harada left the office, the office put effort into Southern All Stars as a substitute hitter, and it is said that Southern All Stars became a hit, but what about that?

Uncle who likes a little erotic story?

In fact, I think many of the songs that Mr. Kuwata composes are pretty good, but isn’t it the chord progression of Beatles songs that Japanese singer-songwriters tend to have? There are many things like this, but for a while, this album of hers was almost Billy Joel? I think there was a child who made me think.

But the way she sings is very characteristic of her, and her individuality and originality that make it immediately recognizable as Kuwata-san is amazing.

So, she also does theme songs for various dramas, and her funky personality, which is common among her band members, is irresistible.

The art style of an old man who doesn’t look cool is pretty good, isn’t it? Occasionally, when I watch Kuwata-san’s programs, it seems like there aren’t a lot of erotic stories… Fukuyama-san’s radio is the same, but it doesn’t seem like there are a lot of erotic stories…

What kind of office is Amuse? It’s a really good feeling, it’s a little old now, but it’s stupid for her uncles.

The melody is tight and difficult to sing.

So, it is a song of such a Southern All Stars.

The song is good, the melody is good, and Mr. Kuwata’s unique vocals are also good.

But when you actually sing it, it’s really hard. It’s hard to emphasize the strength and weakness when singing.

What’s more, the high-pitched voice is very sharp.

All of the songs are quite difficult to sing, and when I first listened to it, I thought it was a relatively easy-to-sing melody, but when I actually sang it, it was hard to say whether it was the pitch difference or the strength.

It’s hard to sing It’s a song that only Mr. Kuwata can sing.

Please excuse me, is that how you feel?

To imitate like an impersonator, I think it’s very easy to imitate because it’s unique, but it’s more about the melody. tight. Quite frankly, it’s very difficult, isn’t it?

Isn’t it quite heavy, isn’t it difficult to get out of high places? There are only songs like that.

I feel Keisuke Kuwata’s talent in that area.

This person must be amazing. I think so, but what about that?


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