


もともと、グラムロックが好きってこともあって やっぱ、UKだなと思って そのなかでも暗い音楽が聞きたかったので 4つぐらいのバンドのCDを買ってみた。


■Doves – The Man Who Told Everything (HQ)


これってやっぱ 趣味の問題ですが。

■Coldplay Greatest Hits || The Best Of Coldplay Playlist 2018



また、その後 2018年に再結成したみたいだ。過去、3枚ぐらいのアルバムを出してるみたいだが、2枚は持ってるし 聞いてる。


なんか・・・、ものがなしいというか 暗いというか 音楽的にもいい音を出してる。

これも趣味の問題ですから パンクとかメタルを聞いてるっていう人たちには 暗くっていやかも、また、静かすぎるって感じですが、これも趣味の問題ですが・・・。


でも、UKロックの歴史ってすごいね、ビートルズやローリングストーンズ、その後、イギリス出身のグラム系、デヴィッド・ボーイとか、ブライアンフェリー、マークボラン その後のハードロック系、クラプトンとかベック・ジミーペイジとか あとは、みなさんアメリカに渡って活動し、世界的に有名になった。

日本も今や ジャパニーズロックですが やっぱ、過去にはこの方々の影響を受けて そのマニアが横行した時期もあった。

音楽的にもレベルが高かったし、初めてのメロディーとか 聞いたことがないリフとか 新しいものばかりだった。今もUKっていえば、やっぱ パンクロック 影響されるものは多いでしょうが、やっぱヨーロッパですから、そのへんは暗く情緒のあるものがいいじゃないでしょうか。


A UK rock band called “Doves” would be nice, dark UK sound would be great, maybe better than Coldplay.

Better than Coldplay?

A UK band called Coldplay was selling well, and I think it was around the same time that I was interested in a band called “Doves”.

Originally, he likes glam rock, so I thought it would be UK, and he wanted to hear dark music among them, so I bought CDs of about four bands.

Among them was this “Doves”, which I thought was the best.

I thought it was better than Coldplay. You can listen to this now.

This is a matter of hobby after all.

from manchester

This band is a three-piece band from Manchester, England, and it seems that they sold well in terms of sales at the time, but they stopped their activities in 2010.

Also, after that, it seems that they reunited in 2018. They seem to have released about 3 albums in the past, but I have 2 of them and have listened to them.

Both are great.

It’s kind of… it’s lacking, it’s dark, it’s making a good sound musically.

This is also a matter of taste, so I think he’s too dark and unpleasant for people who listen to punk or metal, but it’s also a matter of taste…

Japanese rock influenced by the history of UK rock

But the history of UK rock is amazing, with the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, then British glam bands such as David Boy, Bryan Ferry, Marc Bolan, and later hard rock bands like Clapton and Beck Jimmy Page, and everyone else. He moved to America and became famous all over the world.

Even in Japan, he is a Japanese rock now, but in the past, there was a time when his mania was rampant under the influence of these people.

Musically, the level was high, and there were new melodies and riffs I’d never heard before. Speaking of the UK today, he’s probably influenced by punk rock, but since it’s Europe, I think something dark and emotional would be good.

Among them is this “Doves”. What do you think?


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