

BARBEEBOYSってバンドがあって そのギターが”イマサ”こと いまみちともたかさんです。

BARBEEBOYSの楽曲はほぼ このイマサが作ってると思いますが、それが、はじめは、彼の提案でBARBEEBOYS、みんなの作詞作曲にしておこうという提案だったらしいが、その他のメンバーがあまり売れないだろうと思ってたらしく イマサの作詞作曲でってことで 結果超うれましてって感じで その印税収入とかはほとんど ”イマサ”に入ってるって聞きますが、あれだけ売れてれば 夢の印税生活ができると思うが すごいほしいことをしたんじゃないですか?大体。

売れるなんて一生に一度ぐらいしかないと思いますが。だけども、やっぱバンドの中でギタリストの比重が高いっていうのが BARBEEBOYSとかを見ても すごくわかる。

やっぱ、ギタリストは個人個人 特長があって全然違うというか、このイマサもすごい特長がある。BARBEEBOYSの曲ってやっぱ、彼のギターが非常に特長的で、さすがギタリストっていうぐらい やっぱ、ピッキングも最高に上手です。



BARBEEBOYSを初めてみたっていうか 2回ぐらいしかみたことがないですが、昔ポートピアアイランドが神戸にできたころに お茶しに行ったら、結構オープンででかいカフェテラスで 舞台もあって デビューしたての頃のBARBEEBOYSを見た。もちろんタダでしたが、その頃はベースがエンリケではなかったが・・・。

コンちゃんのピッコロみたいなのがすごく印象的で 歌も歌うんだって感じで、またその声が高い。そのへんがすごく印象的で覚えてる。そのあと、2、3年ですごく売れたね。

ツインの男女ボーカルとちょっとしたエロっぽさが特徴的で でも、この大人味がよかったのか。とりあえず、エロっぽいね・・・。



そのバンドのギタリストのイマサさんが 去年、近辺の”南堀江ネイブ”でライブっていうんで 当日券で行った。結構、良いバンドなのに あまりお客さんもいなくって ゆったり見れましたが・・・、

なんとなく得した感じでしたが。とりあえず、やっぱ音がいい。それはそれなりに すごく凝ってるんじゃないのかな~、ハードロックの音のイメージもあるし、グラムロックのイメージもあるギターの音。メタルとかとは全く違うような感じの音で やっぱ、ギターの弾き方が上手。特長もある。

当日の本人は、自分のバンドの曲をやってましたが、BARBEEBOYSのメンバーのエンリケさんが参加してた。ギター・ベース・ドラム・キーボードっていう4人編成で 曲はとにかくいい音出してました。

さすがです。曲も結構 イマサの曲はポップなので聞きやすい曲もあり~のって感じですが、いいフレーズのものもあった。なんか姉さんも音楽をやってて レコードを作るということで その姉さんのレコードにも参加してるって言ってた。

あと、何年もまえにあんなに喧嘩して止めたのに BARBEEBOYS復活でギターを弾いたっていうのもききましたが、そのライブは見に行きましたが、よかったですね。大阪でやったのはいいが、めっちゃ人が多かった。




この南堀江ネイブのイマサのライブは ほぼ目の前でって感じで みれたので 本当、得した感が非常にありましたが。そんで、昨日か、おとついに なんと、WOWWOWでライブやってました。

なんと、代々木体育館が満杯で それをテレビで見ましたが、これも最高でしたが、 で、その前にBARBEEBOYSの特集があって、その中で去年の夏に 曲を作ってアルバムを出したって言ってて それが”PLAN BEE”だったっけ。

2020年のライブの事も新しいアルバムの事も 一切、イマサのライブでは告知していなかった。それが、ちょっと悔しかったって感じですが。でも ま、テレビでもとりあえず、ライブだったので テレビのほうがよく見れるのでいいのかもしれませんが。しかし・・・って感じです。




やっぱ、個々の特徴っていうか そういうものがよく出てる感じの、年いったミュージシャンが、ギター・ドラム・ベースとそれぞれのパーツが 個々に特長的でメロディーできる限り分離させて そのハーモニーのレベルを上げていく感じの もともと、そういうのがイメージにあったのか それが、それぞれ年齢もそこそこいって それぞれが上手になってる。

その和音が 年齢がいって完成したみたいな、そんな感じです。いい音楽ってやっぱ そうでなきゃだめです。極端なはなし、マイナーコードのギター演奏でメジャーのメロディーをボーカルが歌ってる感じ。

そのハーモニーがすごくいい感じ・・・、そんなイメージです。WOWWOWのライブではコンちゃんは リコーダーを吹いてましたが、すごくよかった。BARBEEBOYSもすごく音楽を追及してます。

杏子さんが言ってましたが、男子はみんな集まったら 帰らないでずっと音出してたって言ってましたが、音好きですね。



Last November, I went to a live performance of “Imamachi Tomotaka”. Barbie Boys though.

My name is Tomotaka Imamachi

There is a band called BARBEEBOYS, and the guitarist is Tomoka Imamichi, also known as “Imasa”.

I think Imasa wrote most of the BARBEEBOYS songs, but at first it was his suggestion to let BARBEEBOYS and everyone write the lyrics and music, but I thought the other members wouldn’t sell well. I heard that most of the royalty income is included in “Imasa”, but if you sell that much, you can live a dream royalties life. I think you did what you really wanted, didn’t you? generally speaking.

I think you can only sell it once in your life. However, even if you look at BARBEEBOYS, you can really see that the guitarist has a high weight in the band.

After all, every guitarist has his or her own individual characteristics, and they are completely different. BARBEEBOYS songs are very characteristic of his guitar, and he’s so good at picking that he’s a guitarist.

I saw it for the first time in Kobe.

It’s the first time I’ve seen BARBEEBOYS, I’ve only seen them twice, but when Portopia Island was built in Kobe a long time ago, I went to have tea, and there was a fairly large open cafe terrace with a stage. I saw BARBEEBOYS. Of course it was free, but at that time the bass was not Enrique.

It’s like Kon-chan’s piccolo is very impressive, and it feels like he’s singing, and his voice is high. I remember it being very impressive. After that, it sold really well in two or three years.

Twin male and female vocals and a little eroticism are characteristic, but she was good at this adult taste. First of all, it’s kind of erotic…

Guitarist Imasa

The band’s guitarist, Imasa, had a show last year at “Minamihorie Naive” nearby, so I went with a ticket on the day. It was a pretty good band, but he didn’t have a lot of audience, so I was able to watch him comfortably, but…

I felt like I got it somehow. For the time being, the sound is good. I wonder if he is very elaborate in that way, the sound of the guitar that has the image of hard rock and the image of glam rock. The sound is completely different from metal, and he’s good at playing the guitar. There are also features.

On that day, he was playing his band’s song, but Enrique, a member of BARBEEBOYS, was participating. It was a four-piece formation consisting of guitar, bass, drums, and keyboards, and the songs produced good sounds.

Way to go. The songs are also quite good: Imasa’s songs are pop, so there are songs that are easy to listen to, but there were also good phrases. Somehow her older sister is also doing music and making her record, so she said that she was participating in her older sister’s record as well.

Also, I heard that she played the guitar in the revival of BARBEEBOYS, even though they had a fight many years ago and quit. It was nice to do it in Osaka, but there were a lot of people.

There were so many pipe chairs lined up in the arena. There were a lot of customers there, really, it felt like an audience…

It was a feeling that there were few people.

I was able to see Imasa’s live performance at Minamihorie Nave almost right in front of me, so I really felt like I was getting a lot out of it. Then, yesterday, he finally did a live show at WOWWOW.

Yoyogi Gymnasium was full and he saw it on TV, which was also great, but before that, there was a special feature of BARBEEBOYS, and in that, I made a song last summer and released an album. He said it was out and he said it was “PLAN BEE”.

Neither the live in 2020 nor the new album were announced at Imasa’s live. I feel like that was a little frustrating. But anyway, it was a live show on TV, so she might be better off on TV. But I feel like…

I feel like I understand the image of sound creation.

However, I was wondering what the image of BARBEEBOYS’ sound creation is, but is eroticism the selling point? I thought so, but after seeing WOWWOW live, I felt like I understood.

After all, an old musician who seems to have a lot of individual characteristics, the guitar, drums, and bass, each part has its own characteristics, separates the melody as much as possible, and raises the level of the harmony. Maybe that’s what you had in mind from the beginning, but each of them is getting pretty good at their age.

It feels like that chord has matured with age. Good music has to be that way. It feels like the vocal is singing a major melody with a guitar playing a minor chord.

That harmony feels really good… that’s the image. At the WOWWOW live, Kon-chan played his recorder, and it was great. BARBEEBOYS also pursue music very much.

Kyoko-san said that when all the boys got together, they didn’t go home and they were making noise all the time.

I think it’s a band that I’m really looking forward to in the future… what do you think?


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