改めて 昔のチューリップをyoutubeとかで聞いてみると
また、初めは姫野さんがボーカルでよく出て来て その後の財津さんですから、この辺もすごい。曲がいいので 姫野さんのボーカルでいいんですが
声が変わってて っていうか異質な声、綺麗な声です。ビートルズの場合は ビブラートなしでって感じなので そのへんの発声方法にピッタリで
それが またすごい、当時 はやるはずです。
また、バンドのメンバーはほぼ 財津さんと音楽がしたいって ことで あくまでもモテモテの財津さんメインのバンドで 昔聞きましたが、
今の温厚そうな財津さんからは想像できませんが。でも、初め娯楽でバンドをやってて 楽しけりゃいいって感じだったみたいですが、やっぱ東京に出てメジャーデビューともなると やっぱ、厳しくなりますよね、そのへんわかる気がする。
このチューリップとか海援隊とかの始まりで この”照和”って音楽喫茶が有名になって チューリップとか
やっぱ、この頃って音楽のコンテストがたくさんあって 今でもあるとは思いますが その全国コンテストで やっぱ、チューリップなんかも有名になって 先にメジャーになってる人たちの後ろ盾もあり~ので
で その頃は、拓郎や陽水やかぐや姫といったフォークの時代から キャロルとかユーミンとかのように 少しメジャーな音楽
日本では、ディランからビートルズ・ストーンズの時代に移行してるって感じの時代で まさにバンド全盛期の前兆期だったような気がしますが。
”サディスティック ユミ バンド”
今、その頃のチューリップの曲をギターでやってみると やっぱ、ビートルズかって感じのコード進行で まさにメジャーな曲調が多いが。
なんかyoutubeで”サディスティック ユミ バンド”っていうのが ユーミンメインのボーカルで 加藤和彦のサディスティックがバックバンドでやってましたが、
でも、このフインキは この人たちが発端になって作ったんでしょう、いかにも平和な日本になりましたが・・・、どうでしょう。
The Japanese Beatles, a band called “Tulip”.
A band called Tulip
There used to be a band called Tulip, and the main one was Kazuo Zaitsu. Along with Kazumasa Oda, he is a singer-songwriter with a wonderful voice.
Once again, when I listen to old tulips on youtube, it’s a complete Beatles song. But is this a well-made Beatles song for Japanese people? It feels like a Japanese copy band. However, this is well done and easy to listen to, or rather, there are many famous songs… I’m surprised at this.
Also, at the beginning, Mr. Himeno often appeared on vocals, and she was Mr. Zaitsu after that, so this area is also amazing. The song is good, so Himeno-san’s vocals are fine, but after that, she was Zaitsu-san, and she was surprised twice.
The voice has changed and she is a different voice, a beautiful voice. In the case of the Beatles, she doesn’t have vibrato, so she’s perfect for that kind of vocalization, and she sings just like the Beatles.
That’s amazing, I should have done it back then.
Named after “Apple Records”
The name “Tulip” is also strange, but when the Beatles made “Apple Records”, it seems that “Tulip” was the name they thought of as a name to compete with Apple. The sound is good, and it feels good to hear it.
Also, most of the band members want to play music with Mr. Zaitsu.
I can’t imagine it from Mr. Zaitsu who seems to be gentle now. However, at first, he seemed to think that it would be good if he could enjoy being in a band for entertainment, but when he went to Tokyo and made his major debut, he became strict, I think I understand that.
A music cafe called “Teruwa”
Also, what’s amazing about Tulip is the existence of a music cafe called “Teruwa”.
With the beginning of this Tulip and Kaientai, he became famous for this music cafe called “Teruwa”. It feels like the people in the early days worked hard to raise the name recognition of “Teruwa”.
There were a lot of music contests in those days, and I think there are still some today, but in those national contests, tulips became famous, and with the backing of those who had already become majors, they became more and more major. I feel like I’m debuting.
At that time, she was going from the folk era of Takuro, Yosui, and Kaguya Hime to the more mainstream music like her Carol and Yuming, and also to the era of bands.
In Japan, it seems that Dylan is transitioning to the Beatles Stones era, and I feel that he was a precursor to the band’s heyday.
In such a way, ′′ Tulip ′′ was shining.
“Sadistic Yumi Band”
Now, when I try to play Tulip’s songs from that time on the guitar, there are many songs with chord progressions that sound like they’re from the Beatles.
I wonder if it was his boom like Off Causes, Yuming and others around this time.
There was something called “Sadistic Yumi Band” on youtube where Yumin was the main vocalist and Kato Kazuhiko’s Sadistic was in the backing band, but Yumin was the main vocalist and Zaitsu-san and Oda-san appeared in the chorus. With Mr. Takanaka on guitar, Mr. Takahashi on drums, and Mr. Goto on bass, it feels like the day will come when we can do something like this with all the big names that symbolize the times.
But, I guess these people were the start of this Fuink, and Japan has become a very peaceful country… What do you think?