


この時期は混とんとしていて フォークやロックンロールの時代の跡に 詳しくはわからないが、加藤和彦のサディスチックミカバンドがあって YMOがあって ミカバンドの影響なのでしょうか、パンクとかテクノがはやった。

その他の過去の音楽とかもあって いろんな音がたくさんでてきた。無かったのは、ヒップホップのようなダンスミュージック的なもので・・・。

とにかく色々あって そのなかでもやっぱ、YMOがすごいのかな~。




Plasticsの音楽は 立花ハジメが造ってるみたいで、詩は歌ってる人が造ってるみたいだった。

立花ハジメがかっこうよくって、前髪にいろんなカラー入れて、セキセイインコみたいな そんなかんじでエレキを弾いてる。

リズムも面白いし、歌もなんか アニメソングっていうか、コミックバンド的な感じだが、なんか違ういい音で ファッションも最高にいい。バンドのメンバーがみんな映った時のルックスがいい。



やっぱ、音楽とファッションっていうのは 一体化していないと って感じの時代だったので そりゃかっこういい。

今は、そんなの関係ね~ってかんじですが、スタイリッシュにしていても う~ん今いち?





このテクノの延長で いまのキャリーパミュパミュとかパフュームとかでしょうけど、それなりにいまでも通用する ポップミュージックですが、昔は歌詞に社会風刺があったような気がしますが。

その後、立花ハジメはグラフィックデザイナーに、そのほかの方々は、ほぼ音楽に 一人女子の方がいましたが、スタイリストになったみたいで 自己ブランドも持ってるみたいです。

この女子の方のファッションも 特に動きもよかったです。

”Plastics”ならではって感じの動きでしたが・・・、音はやっぱ、立花ハジメの世界観なんでしょうが、見た目も芥川龍之介みたいで ストイックでかっこうよくって ギターを持ったルックスも最高によかったですが、どうでしょう。

Hajime Tachibana of “Plastics” is amazing in the era when techno pop was popular.

it’s techno pop

A long time ago, there was a time when a music genre called techno pop was popular.

This period is chaotic and I don’t know much about the traces of the folk and rock’n’roll era, but Kazuhiko Kato had a sadistic mika band, and he had YMO, so maybe it was the influence of his mika band, punk or techno I did it.

With other music from the past, he has a lot of different sounds. What I didn’t have was dance music like hip-hop.

Anyway, there are various things, and among them, YMO is probably the best.

YMO is also techno-pop music that is completely different from what Mr. Hosono has done in the past. Plastics is one of them.

Hajime Tachibana is cool

The Plastics music seemed to be made by Hajime Tachibana, and the poetry seemed to be made by the person who sang it.

Hajime Tachibana is cool, puts various colors in her bangs, and plays the electric guitar with that kind of feeling of her like a budgie.

The rhythm is interesting, and the song is like an anime song, like a comic band, but it sounds different and her fashion is great. I like the look when all the band members are reflected.

Hajime Tachibana is a graphic designer, and the others seem to be fashion people.

She’s fashion-oriented… she’s a stylist, a designer, and so on. It seems that there was only one person who was doing music.

After all, it was an era when I felt that music and fashion had to be integrated, so that was cool.

Right now, I feel like it doesn’t matter, but even if she’s stylish, she’s not good enough.

Rather than that, it feels like music is more important, because in the past, sound and looks were the basics.

It was an era when I felt that the main character wasn’t the coolest.

Similar to techno-pop, I said “Hikashu” or “p-model”, but it’s “Plastics”.

There was social satire in the lyrics

It’s an extension of this techno, and it’s like Cary Pam Pam and Perfume, but it’s pop music that’s still relevant today, but I feel like there used to be social satire in the lyrics.

After that, Hajime Tachibana became a graphic designer, and most of the others were involved in music.

This girl’s fashion and movements were especially good.

It was a movement that was unique to “Plastics”, but the sound was probably Hajime Tachibana’s worldview, but she looked like Ryunosuke Akutagawa, and she was stoic and cool, and she even looked like she was holding a guitar. It was great, but what do you think?


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