面白いのは、彼はミュージシャンで テレビで誰かが言ってましたが
今はどうか知りませんが、かなり浸かってたんでしょう。マリファナもポールやミック ミュージシャンの有名どころはみんなやってる。マリファナなんかは 吸ってると感覚がはっきりしてくるとか
なんか急に日本の音楽が変わりだしたというか 今はパヒュームとかキャリーパミュパミュさんとか テクノが生き残ってる感じで 音楽のバリエーションが広がった。その中のピエール瀧さんなんでしょうね。
しかし、ピエール瀧さんの件については まさに契約上の問題でしょうから
Lately, Pierre Taki’s drug use? He is an actor rather than a musician.
Pierre Taki is a hot topic recently
Pierre Taki was arrested for cocaine, and according to him, he has been doing it since he was in his 20s. It seems that this amount will be rebuilt by the office and the person himself will return it, but it’s hard. If the contract is like that, he’s a little nervous and a little trembling when he smokes cocaine. Even 3 billion is unreasonable.
Pierre Taki is a musician
What’s interesting is that he’s a musician, and someone on TV said, what do you think will happen to Clapton? It’s a famous story that he felt the limits of his guitar and waited in the process of pursuing it, and Keith is also a “cocaine blues”.
I don’t know how it is now, but it must have been quite immersed. All the famous musicians like Paul and Mick use marijuana. When you smoke marijuana, your senses become clearer, and you can see the colors beautifully, and you can hear the sounds very sensitively. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but there was a time when he was told that.
Is it legal in some countries?
It’s open overseas, so marijuana is legal in places like Jamaica and Canada, and probably illegal in Hawaii, but the regulations aren’t that strict. That’s why it’s an absolute bad thing, isn’t it? It’s a rule that everyone has decided, so I think he has to follow it.
I feel like all the old musicians were doing it.
Even so, is it natural for people who are called musicians? Did Pierre Taki feel that way? A small mistake can cost you a lot of money. As for this damage, it is a contract issue, so it can not be helped. It would have been nice to have promised in the contract. It would be nice if there was a provision that even if something like that happened, it wouldn’t affect the work. ‘Cause Clapton, he’s the Beatles, he’s the Storrs, everyone listens to music, and he’s a hit all over the world. I don’t think so, but what about him? Or is it strange that he lived in Japan?
Techno was very popular for a while.
But techno is nostalgic. Well, it’s YMO, isn’t it Techno Cut? It was popular at the time, and there were a lot of young people who bought a synthesizer for a million dollars, or that he was interested in vocoders, or that he wanted to add an electric guitar, or that electric sounds were really popular, and after that.” A lot of techno pop bands like “Plastics” came out, and I wonder if he’s hip hop after that.
It’s like Japanese music suddenly started to change, and now it’s like Perfume, Cary Pamu Pamu, and Techno are still surviving, and the variety of music has spread. I wonder if Pierre Taki is one of them. Denki Groove? What is techno music? YMO has become popular all over the world, so I hear that he is a world-famous band with a feeling that the electric sound of that piko-piko music is Japanese. At first, it seemed like they were doing things like YMO, with guitars and drums, and eventually they became two people, and eventually hip-hop stuff became popular, and they took the best parts from records and combined them to make music. It’s like creating a new song based on that idea, and it seems that they’re doing creative activities like that, and it’s true that music should be something that expresses a person’s sensibility through sound, so it’s true that it’s necessary to be able to play an instrument. I feel like I can do without it. He patched the sounds together, input them into the computer, processed the sounds, and expressed his own ideas of new music. It’s been a good time to say that the app is easy to use. I think it’s interesting that there is a wide variety of music variations.
I don’t think music is to blame.
However, in regards to Mr. Pierre Taki’s case, it’s just a matter of contract, so I don’t think there’s anything I can do about it now that the crime is too heavy. Music created by successive generations of musicians doing drugs is established in the world, so it’s not like it’s not good. However, the morals at that time are not the correct answer in any era, so morals change with the times. Even so, if the sound is really good, it may become another hit in about 1000 years, so the music is bad. But I really don’t think the music is to blame.